PBL South Asia Network

Upcoming events

PBL SA online forums (in line with Quora) launch for members

PBL SA networks to adapt MOOC (bring it to nptel.ac.in or other platforms)

PBL SA network Training the trainers first workshop at IISc Bengaluru  – Hybrid Participation from Nepal and Bhutan.

Past events

PBL SA network – requirements and mentors from European and South Asian partners (meetings till July 2022)

8 & 9 August 2022: PBL SA network launch in Bhutan

8 & 9 August 2022: PBL SA network – requirements gathering from Bhutan partners


14 & 15 August 2022: PBL SA network launch event in Nepal

14 & 15 August 2022: PBL SA network – requirements gathering from Nepal partners